

In TII the author introduces a Theomatic study of the topic SATAN in the text of the New Testament. He finds a significant number of references divisible by 276. We present results from the Robinson-Pierpont Majority Text.

The author's factor 276 ranks 390th in hit p-value among 1000 factors when testing 593 possible phrases of 4 words or less containing a reference to SATAN. Since the hit p-value is the criteria upon which a Theomatic factor is chosen, we cannot explain the author's motivation to have worked with this factor. Among the top 500 factors in hit performance in the standard gemmatria, factor 276 ranks 181st in both WLAH and WLAR, 334th in clustering p-value, 48th in the number of references hit among factors 263 or larger, and is last in overall significance (total p-value). The factor with the highest statistical significance in the standard gemmatria is 995, with an O statistic of 1.11 due to its clustering (3:0:0). This is quite random.

In a final test, employing the criterion of the Luke 15 study which observes hit count (of comparably sized factors),  WLAH and clustering probability, no factor outperforms 276 in each category simlutaneously in the standard gemmatria (though, 12 factors do outperform it in at least one measure and so could as easily be chosen as theomatic factors in this context with this criterion). Randomization is therefore required to find such factors. In 10 random trials, 39 successful factors were located, or an average of 3.9 factors per trial, which corresponds to a probability of about 1 in 250. This demonstrates that factor 276 is statistically insignificant in every respect since in a purely random environment multiple factors with similar results occur in most every trial.

Evidently, this context contains no significant Theomatic factors. It appears that the entire topic can safely be ignored from a statistical point of view since no Theomatic significance is apparent.
